EMDR Treatment Center in Los Angeles

Trauma and Beyond Center ® EMDR Treatment Center in Los Angeles

There’s a saying that goes “time heals all wounds but when dealing with trauma this is not necessarily true.” In the case of extreme emotional pain, In “talk” therapy, a person is guided by their therapist or counselor to identify and address these emotions primarily through talking and thinking about the event, ( left brain…

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in LA

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in LA

2020 has been relentless in its supply of devastating events. From a worldwide pandemic, the political chaos it has caused, the death of several noted individuals, to a string of natural disasters — it hasn’t once given anyone a chance to stop and breathe before it doles out another catastrophe that we have to deal…

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Somatic Treatment Center

Trauma and Beyond’s Somatic Treatment Center

It has recently been discovered that stress, trauma, and emotional pain can manifest physically and add even more stress, therefore creating a vicious cycle of suffering for the patient. This is why we at Trauma and Beyond Center ® created a somatic treatment center that focuses on our patient’s overall well-being through a holistic approach…

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EMDR Treatment Program

Trauma and Beyond Center’s Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Treatment Program

It is commonly believed that severe emotional pain often takes a long period of time to heal. In traditional “talk” therapy, the individual is guided by the therapist each session into unlocking these emotions through words. Talking about the trauma can sometimes be painful and retraumatizing. Here at Trauma and Beyond Center ®, we offer…

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Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Treatment Program

Trauma and Beyond Center’s Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Treatment Program

Unresolved trauma can be present for years and cause all types of symptoms and discomfort without a person even knowing it’s there. These deeply rooted, unresolved traumas can spontaneously burst out like a sudden eruption of anxiety and stress when triggered by memories or reminders of an event and can  cause the individual to have…

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