The NeuroAffective Relational Model® (NARM) was developed by Dr. Lawrence Heller and Dr. Aline La Pierre as an integrative approach for treating both shock and developmental trauma. This model incorporates the current knowledge of self-regulation with its understanding of the unity of biological and psychological development into clinical practice. Drawing on psychodynamic models such as attachment and object relations theory, as well as somatic and character structure approaches, NARM addresses the link between psychological issues and the body with a firm grounding in interpersonal neurobiology. Using a relational stance of collaboration,curiosity and somatic mindfulness NARM focuses on the present moment, using a dual awareness of unconscious patterns of disconnection, distorted identity, emotional dysregulation, physiological responses and relational issues rooted in the past. Understanding these patterns as adaptive responses to developmental failures of basic core needs being met, NARM focuses on strengthening the capacity for biological self-regulation and interpersonal connection.

NeuroAffective Relational Model Therapy

NARM employs both bottom up and top down approaches working with the body, as well as emotions, behavioral patterns and identity. The NARM model looks at attachment ruptures during critical periods of development to understand the resulting physical, emotional, and behavioral maladaptive survivial strategies that were once protective. NARM is strength focused and non pathologizing, helping clients build their capacitiy for self compassion as well as relational effectiveness.