somatic experiencing

Using Somatic Experiencing to Cope with Anger

An angry person can catch us off-guard if the anger seems to come out of nowhere or if the reason for their anger appears trivial. However, it’s important to acknowledge that some people instinctively respond with anger when they feel trapped in a similar situation from their past– this can be a symptom of PTSD….

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Mindfulness somatic

Mindfulness Somatic Therapy for Trauma

Mindfulness somatic therapy is a focused attention practice to overcome trauma and its lingering effects on your everyday life.  As you may already know, mental disorders caused by trauma can trigger inner emotions, thereby manifesting themselves in many different conditions such as stress, sleep problems, anxiety, etc. Trauma can manifest in many forms, and it…

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Anxiety Los Angeles

Mindfulness: One Way to Deal with Anxiety in Los Angeles and More

“Mindfulness” may feel like the new buzzword in psychological treatment, but the term has been used in psychological treatment for decades and in spiritual realms for centuries.  Mindfulness has been proven to be an effective way to deal with anxiety and other symptoms, in fact, the “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction” program was instituted at the University…

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Mindfulness Somatic Treatment

How Mindfulness Somatic Treatment Works (Somatic Mindfulness)

The word “mindfulness” has become more popular than ever before. Mindfulness therapy has broken into the mainstream cultural consciousness, appearing in movies and TV shows. There’s a reason that more people are talking about mindfulness: it works. Mindfulness somatic treatment has exploded in popularity due to the results patients have seen. Here at Trauma and…

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