Supportive Living Referrals
Available at Athena House

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(818) 651-0725

Trauma and Beyond Psychological Center is now offering free online groups for Californians dealing with stress, anxiety or depression. These psycho-educational groups will help you to learn tools to use while sheltering at home! We are in this together and by staying connected and doing what we can to help one another we will make it through. We are offering 2 weekly groups by our licensed and experienced trauma informed therapists.

Mindfulness and Stress Management

Thursday’s at 3:30pm – 4:45pm PST

Clyde Blair, LMFT

This group will help you to understand the nature of anxiety, stress, threat and offer tools for getting through these stressful times. You will learn coping skills and how to utilize both internal and external resources. This weekly group can be especially useful during the times that we are currently experiencing. Mindfulness – is defined as “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment while calmly acknowledging and accepting what feelings, thoughts and body sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.”
Breath & Somatic Skills

Monday's at 1:30pm – 2:45pm PST

Celeste Mendelsohn, C-IAYT, ERYT500

The latest studies of trauma and treatment show somatic therapies to be exceptional tools in trauma recovery, and Yoga is one of the original somatic practices. Yoga was developed thousands of years ago as a way for people to heal mentally and emotionally, as well as physically. Please join Celeste, the yoga therapist on staff at Trauma and Beyond, for an hour and a half of therapeutic yoga using somatic work including breathing practices, movement and meditations designed to help bring you ease and comfort as you navigate the waters these difficult times.

Trauma and Beyond continues to operate all of our services virtually. If you are interested in outpatient, IOP or PHP/Day Treatment please contact us. You can reach us at 818-651-0725 or


"Through Trauma & Beyond, Dr. Friedman-Gell and Dr. Barron bring an invaluable service to the San Fernando Valley. I have known these two psychologists for many years. They possess deep knowledge of what happens in the brain and body, and not just the mind in cases of trauma. They also understand the importance of early relationship dynamics to current symptom expression. Anyone in need of treatment can rest assured of the depth of their training, experience and dedication for treating the whole person."

- Terry Marks-Tarlow
Ph.D., clinical psychologist and author

"Both Dr. Barron and Dr. Friedman-Gell have always offered a helping hand in being able to assist our clients when I call them. They have open hearts, integrity, knowledge and years of experience in the field of Trauma daily life problems that arise with so many people. I respect, recommend, and support them in all that they do. They are seasoned clinicians, of great service to the community,. They are leaders, teaches and providers to those seeking assistance in being better!"

- Shireen Janti-Reid
Director MUSICARES® |

"Dr. Lynne Friedman-Gell and Dr. Joanne Barron bring an expertise to trauma therapy through their many years of training and specialization focus. They have developed a program that brings cutting edge treatment modalities to clients by therapists who are skilled and compassionate. I believe clients who seek treatment from Trauma and Beyond Psychological Center will benefit from their exceptional care, and holistic model of healing through this comprehensive program."

- Dr. Susan Krevoy
Founder and Director, The Krevoy Institute for Eating Disorders |

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